Hey everyone! It’s the first day of 2016!! You made it through
another year of fun, or potential torture. Congrats! This year will surely be
even better. For 2015 I set myself some goals and I thought, hey, why don’t I
go through those goals and see if I accomplished them, then set some new ones
for the year ahead. Sounds fun, right? Let’s get started then.
2015 goals:
1. Become a vegetarian: Check! I started my new vegetarian diet on December 29th and I kept it up this entire year. It wasn’t difficult for me at all and I plan on being vegetarian for the rest of my life. I don’t regret this decision one bit, even though it can be a bit difficult when eating out with friends and I’m criticized daily, but that’s fine be me. I have my reasons and I’m super proud of myself. I’m not setting out to be vegan right now, because at this point it wouldn’t be the best. Sometime in the future when I am more independent and a bit more motivated, I would certainly consider.
2. Learn to cook: Ok so I didn’t do this one. School took over my life and my lovely parents provide for me so I didn’t really have the need to. I’m sure I’ll get to this one eventually.
3. Exercise: This is the typical goal that no one actually does. I’ll do it this year I swear.
4. Lose my last 20 pounds: …nope.
5. Get my license: Check! I drive to and from school every day now and I drive around with my friends a lot more. I actually enjoy driving because I can jam to music in the car. I still get anxious, but I’ve certainly improved a lot this year.
6. Draw more: I did draw some throughout 2015, but not nearly as much as I could have. But about half way through 2015 I realized that I like photography as an art a bit more than drawing. I enjoy it more. So maybe this goal was a bit far-fetched.
7. Take more photos: Now this was more realistic. And yes, I took a lot of photos this year. I really like capturing random moments of my life, whether that is my friends, something I baked, a leaf on the ground; I want to remember those little things.
8. Make my nail blog the best it can be: For the first half of the year I’d say this went pretty well. However, I fell a bit short, huh? I know why this happened, but I’m sad it did and I’ll try to fix that.
9. Post more videos on YouTube: Get off my back old self. I’m working on it.
10. Get closer to my friends: I’d say this is a job well done. I get closer to them as the days pass.
11. Love others: This is also a success. I try my very best (all the time, not just this past year) to be accepting and loving towards others. I’d say I appreciate others more than myself and without the people I look up to I’m not sure how I would have made it through this year at all. People are great. (But don’t get me wrong, I still hate most people).
12. Love myself: I’ll get there.
Goals for 2016
1. Study: I slacked off this first semester with my school work and I think I could have done better. I really want to try this semester and next fall semester to work my hardest and get where I want to be.
2. Drink more water: I am dehydrated dude for real
3. Speak my mind: I don’t speak my thoughts enough. Whether that is updating my blog and YouTube or just in my everyday life, I keep things bottled up too much. It gets hard sometimes and I want to be more open. I have a lot of things I’d like to say, and I want to work up the courage to do that.
4. Be healthy: I want to eat better and exercise, as always, but I also want to be mentally healthy. I haven’t been my best and I want to get better. I want to find my purpose again and be happy. That’s all I really want for this year actually. Screw the rest of this list; this is the most important thing to me right now. I don’t think I’ll make it through this list at all if I don’t do that.
That’s it I guess. Those are my goals from last year and my goals for this coming year. I hope you found this a bit interesting and have accomplished what you wanted. And remember, you can make goals whenever you want, it doesn’t just have to be when January rolls around. Do what makes you happy all the time. See you later :)
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